Internal architecture: Inputs, Outputs and resolving

Novops relies around the following concepts:

Modules, Inputs, resolving & Outputs

Inputs are set in .novops.yml to describe how to load value. They usually reference an external secret/config provider or a clear-text value.

Modules are responsible for generating outputs from inputs by resolving them. For example, hvault_kv2 module load secrets from Hashicorp Vault KV2 engine:

# hvault_k2 input: reference secrets to load
  path: myapp/creds
  key: password

Outputs are objects based obtained from Inputs when they are resolved. Currently only 2 types of Output exists:

  • Files
  • Environment variables (as a sourceable file)

hvault_kv2 example would output a String value such as


Inputs can be combined with one-another, for example this .novops.yml config is a combination of Inputs:

  # Each environment is a complex Input
  # Providing both Files and Variable outputs

    # variables is itself an Inputs containing a list of others Inputs
    # Each Variables Inputs MUST resolve to a String
      # variable input and it's value
      # It can be a plain string or any Input resolving to a string
      - name: APP_PASS
            path: myapp/creds
            key: password
      - name: APP_HOST
        value: localhost:8080

    # files is an Inputs containing a list of other Inputs
    # Each file input within resolve to two outputs:
    # - A file output: content and path 
    # - A variable output: path to generated file
      - name: APP_TOKEN
        # Content takes an Input which must resolve to a string or binary content
            path: myapp/creds
            key: api_token

When running, novops load will:

  1. Read config file and parse all Inputs
  2. Resolve all Inputs to their concrete values (i.e. generate Outputs from Inputs)
  3. Export all Outputs to system (i.e. write file and provide environment variable values)

Resolving mechanism is based on ResolveTo trait implemented for each Input. An example implementation for HashiVaultKeyValueV2 into a String can be:

fn main() {
// Example dummy implementation resolving HashiVaultKeyValueV2 as a String
impl ResolveTo<String> for HashiVaultKeyValueV2 {
    async fn resolve(&self, _: &NovopsContext) -> Result<String, anyhow::Error> {
      let vault_client = build_vault_client(ctx);
      return Ok(, &self.path, &self.key).unwrap().to_string()

See src/ for details.

Novops config schema and internal structure

Novops config is generated directly from internal Rust structure of Inputs deriving JsonSchema from the root struct core::NovopsConfigFile

For instance:

fn main() {
#[derive(/* ... */ JsonSchema)]
pub struct NovopsConfigFile {
    pub environments: HashMap<String, NovopsEnvironmentInput>,
    pub config: Option<NovopsConfig>

Define top-level Novops config schema:

  dev: # ...
  prod: # ...
config: # ...

Top level structure of config (leaf are plain values):

graph LR;


  environments --> variables 
  variables --> varName("name")
  variables --> varValue("value")
  varValue --> anyStringInputVar("<i>any String-resolvable input</i>")
  environments --> files 
  files --> fileName(name)
  files --> fileVar(variable)
  files --> fileContent(content)

  environments --> aws
  aws --> awsmoduleinput(<i>AWS module input...</i>)

  environments --> otherModule
  otherModule("<i>Other module name...</i>") --> otherModuleInput(<i>Other module input...</i>)

  fileContent --> anyStringInputFile("<i>any String-resolvable input</i>")

  config --> default
  config --> hvaultconfig(hashivault)
  config --> othermodconf2(Other modules config...)