Development guide

Every command below must be run under Nix Flake development shell:

nix develop

All commands are CI-agnostic: they work the same locally and on CI by leveraging Nix and cache-reuse. If it works locally, it will work on CI.


For quick feedback, just run

cargo build
cargo build -j 6

Novops is built for multiple platforms using cross:

make build-cross

For Darwin (macOS), you must build Darwin Cross image yourself (Apple does not allow distribution of macOS SDK required for cross-compilation, but you can download it yourself and package Cross image):

  • Download XCode (see also here)
  • Follow osxcross instructions to package macOS SDK
    • At time of writing this doc, latest supported version of XCode with osxcross was 14.1 (SDK 13.0)
  • Use [] and cross-toolchains to build your image from Darwin Dockerfile
    • For example:
      # Clone repo and submodules
      git clone
      cd cross
      git submodule update --init --remote
      # Copy SDK to have it available in build context
      cd docker
      mkdir ./macos-sdk
      cp path/to/sdk/MacOSX13.0.sdk.tar.xz ./macos-sdk/MacOSX13.0.sdk.tar.xz
      # Build images
      docker build -f ./cross-toolchains/docker/Dockerfile.x86_64-apple-darwin-cross \
        --build-arg MACOS_SDK_DIR=./macos-sdk \
        --build-arg MACOS_SDK_FILE="MacOSX13.0.sdk.tar.xz" \
        -t x86_64-apple-darwin-cross:local .
      docker build -f ./cross-toolchains/docker/Dockerfile.aarch64-apple-darwin-cross \
        --build-arg MACOS_SDK_DIR=./macos-sdk \
        --build-arg MACOS_SDK_FILE="MacOSX13.0.sdk.tar.xz" \
        -t aarch64-apple-darwin-cross:local \


Tests are run on CI using procedure described below. It's possible to run them locally as well under a nix develop shell.

Running non-integration tests

These tests dot not require anything special and can be run as-is:

task test-doc
task test-clippy
task test-cli
task test-install

Runnning integration tests


  • Running a nix develop shell
  • Azure account
  • GCP account

Integration tests run with real services, preferrably in containers or using dedicated Cloud account:

Setup is done via Pulumi (see tests/setup/pulumi and Task test-setup).

Remember to task teardown after running integration tests. Cost should be negligible if you teardown infrastructure right after running tests. Cost should still be negligible even if you forget to teardown as only free or cheap resources are deployed, but better to do it anyway.

# Setup containers and infrastructure and run all tests
# Only needed once to setup infra
# See Taskfile.yml for details and fine-grained tasks
task test-setup

# Run tests
task test-integ

# Cleanup resources to avoid unnecessary cost
task test-teardown


Doc is built with mdBook and JSON Schema generated from schemars.

Doc is published from main branch by CI

# Build doc
task doc

# Serve at locahost:3000
tasl doc-serve


release-please should create/update Release PRs automatically on main changes. After merge, release tag and artifacts must be created locally:

Run cross Nix shell

nix develop .#cross

Create release

# GITHUB_TOKEN must be set with read/write permissions 
# on Contents and Pull requests
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx 

git checkout <release_commit_sha>

# git checkout main && git pull right after merge should be OK



  • Release may take some time as it will cross-build all Novops binaries before running release-please
  • MacOS build image must be available locally (see Build above)